Growing List of Translations
Author ▿ | Title | Arabic Title | Latin Title | Translator ▼ |
Albumasar (Abū Maʿšar) | Abbreviation of the Introduction <to Astrology> | Muḫtaṣar al-mudḫal | Ysagoga minor | Adelard of Bath |
anonymous (Ps.-Ptolemy) | Book of the Fruit | Kitāb al-Ṯamara | Centiloquium | Adelard of Bath |
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) | On Minerals and Lofty Impressions, Bk 1, Chs 1 and 5 (of The Cure) | al-Šifāʾ: al-Ṭabīʿiyyāt: al-Maʿādin wa-l-āṯār al-ʿulwiyya, Bk 1, Chs 1 and 5 | De congelatione et conglutinatione lapidum | Alfred of Shareshill |
Nicolaus Damascenus (Ps.-Aristotle) | Aristotle’s Book on Plants | Kitāb Arisṭūṭālīs fī l-nabāt | De vegetabilibus | Alfred of Shareshill |
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) | Poem on Medicine | Urǧūza fī l-Ṭibb | Cantica | Armengaud Blaise |
Albuzale (Abū l-Ṣalṭ) | On Simple Medicines | Kitāb al-Adwiya al-mufrada | De medicinis simplicibus | Arnald of Villanova |
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) | On Cardiac Medicines | Maqāla fī l-Adwiya al-qalbiyya | De viribus cordis | Arnald of Villanova |
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) | Logic: Isagoge, Bk 1, Ch. 1 (of The Cure) | al-Šifāʾ: al-Manṭiq: al-Madḫal, Bk 1, Ch. 1 | Capitulum primum et prohemiale | Avendauth |
al-Ǧūzǧānī | Introduction to Avicenna’s The Cure | Fī Ṣadrihī kalām li-Abī ʿUbayd | Prologus | Avendauth |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Book on the Generalities of Medicine | Kitāb al-Kulliyyāt fī l-ṭibb | Colliget | Bonacosa |
Galen | The Great Art (or: Therapeutic Method) | Kitāb al-Ṣināʿa al-kabīra (or: Kitāb Ḥīlat al-burʾ) | Megategni | Constantine the African |
Haly filius Abbas (ʿAlī ibn al-ʿAbbās al-Maǧūsī) | The Complete Book of the Medical Art (or: The Royal Book) | Kitāb kāmil al-ṣināʿa al-ṭibbiyya (or: al-Kitāb al-malakī) | Pantegni | Constantine the African |
Isaac Israeli (Isḥāq ibn Sulaymān al-Isrāʾīlī) | Book on Fevers | Kitāb al-Ḥummayāt | Liber febrium | Constantine the African |
Isaac Israeli (Isḥāq ibn Sulaymān al-Isrāʾīlī) | Book on Urine | Kitāb al-Bawl | Liber urinarum | Constantine the African |
Isaac Israeli (Isḥāq ibn Sulaymān al-Isrāʾīlī) | On Diets, Pt I | Kitāb al-Aġḏiya, Pt I | Diete universales | Constantine the African |
Isaac Israeli (Isḥāq ibn Sulaymān al-Isrāʾīlī) | On Diets, Pts II–IV | Kitāb al-Aġḏiya, Pts II–IV | Diete particulares | Constantine the African |
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) | Book on the Soul (of The Cure) | كتاب النفس al-Šifāʾ: al-Ṭabīʿiyyāt: al-Nafs |
Liber de anima seu sextus de naturalibus | Dominicus Gundisalvi, Avendauth |
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) | On Cardiac Medicines, Chs 2–9 | Maqāla fī l-Adwiya al-qalbiyya | Epistola de speciebus cordium | Dominicus Gundisalvi, Avendauth |
Algazel (al-Ġazālī) | The Aims of the Philosophers | Maqāṣid al-falāsifa | Summa theorice philosophie[1][2] | Dominicus Gundisalvi, Magister Iohannes |
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) | Metaphysics (of The Cure) | الشفاء : الإلهيات al-Šifāʾ: al-Ilāhiyyāt |
Liber de philosophia prima sive scientia divina | Dominicus Gundisalvi |
Rhazes (Ibn Zakarīyāʾ al-Rāzī) | The Comprehensive Book | Kitāb al-Ḥāwī | Continens | Faragut |
anonymous (Ps.-Galen) | On Tested Medicines | Kitāb al-Adwiya al-muǧarraba | De medicinis experimentatis (or: Experimentatio medicinalis) | Faragut |
Albucasis (Abū l-Qāsim Ḫalaf al-Zahrāwī) | The Distribution of <Medical Knowledge> to Those who Are Incapable of Collecting It, Bk 30 | Kitāb al-Taṣrīf li-man ʿaǧiza ʿan al-taʾlīf, Bk 30 | Chirurgia | Gerard of Cremona |
Alexander of Aphrodisias | On Time | Fī l-Zamān | De tempore | Gerard of Cremona |
Alexander of Aphrodisias | On the Senses | Maqāla fī l-Ḥiss | De sensu | Gerard of Cremona |
Alexander of Aphrodisias | That Augment and Increase Occur in Form, Not in Matter | مقالة في أنّ النشوء والنماء يكونان في الصورة لا في الهيولى Maqāla fī anna l-nušūʾa wa-l-namāʾa yakūnāni fī l-ṣūrati lā fī l-hayūlā |
De eo quod augmentum et incrementum fiunt in forma et non in yle | Gerard of Cremona |
Alfarabi (al-Fārābī) | Enumeration of the Sciences | Iḥṣāʾ al-ʿulūm | De scientiis | Gerard of Cremona |
Alkindi (al-Kindī) | Knowledge of the Powers of Composite Medicines | Kitāb fī Maʿrifat quwā l-adwiya al-murakkaba | De gradibus compositarum medicinarum | Gerard of Cremona |
Alkindi (al-Kindī) | On the Five Essences | not extant (possible title: Fī l-Ǧawāhir al-ḫamsa) | De quinque essentiis | Gerard of Cremona |
Alkindi (al-Kindī) | On the Intellect | Risāla fī l-ʿAql | De ratione | Gerard of Cremona |
Alkindi (al-Kindī) | On the Quiddity of Sleep and Dreams | Risāla fī Māhiyyat al-nawm wa-l-ruʾyā | De somno et visione | Gerard of Cremona |
Archimedes | On the Measurement of the Circle (or: On the Division of the Circle) | Fī Misāḥat al-dāʾira (or: Fī Taksīr al-dāʾira) | De mensura circuli | Gerard of Cremona |
Aristotle | Meteorology, Bks 1–3 (or: On Lofty Impressions, Bks 1–3) | Kitāb fī l-Āṯār al-ʿulwiyya | In factura impressionum superiorum que fiunt in alto et inferius | Gerard of Cremona |
Aristotle | On the Heavens and the Earth | Kitāb al-Samāʾ wa-l-ʿālam | Liber de celo et mundo | Gerard of Cremona |
Aristotle | Posterior Analytics | Kitāb al-Burhān | De demonstratione | Gerard of Cremona |
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) | The Canon of Medicine | القانون فى الطب al-Qānūn fī l-Ṭibb |
Canon medicine | Gerard of Cremona |
Galen | On Crises | Kitāb al-Buḥrān | De crisi | Gerard of Cremona |
Galen | On Critical Days | Kitāb Ayyām al-buḥrān | De creticis diebus | Gerard of Cremona |
Galen | On Simple Medicines, Bks 1–5 | Kitāb fī l-Adwiya al-mufrada, Bks 1–5 | De simplici medicina | Gerard of Cremona |
Galen | On the Elements According to Hippocrates | Kitāb fī l-Usṭuqussāt ʿalā raʾy Abuqrāṭ | De elementis | Gerard of Cremona |
Galen | On the Evils of an Unbalanced Temperament | Kitāb fī Sūʾ al-mizāǧ al-muḫtalif | De malitia complexionis diverse | Gerard of Cremona |
Galen | On the Temperaments | Kitāb al-Mizāǧ | De complexionibus | Gerard of Cremona |
Geber filius Affla (Ǧābir ibn Aflaḥ) | Correction of the Almagest | Iṣlāḥ al-Maǧisṭī | Liber super Almagesti | Gerard of Cremona |
Ibn Muʿāḏ (Abhomad) | Treatise on Twilight | — | De crepusculo matutino et vespertino | Gerard of Cremona |
Isaac Israeli (Isḥāq ibn Sulaymān al-Isrāʾīlī) | On Definitions and Descriptions | Kitāb al-Ḥudūd wa-l-rusūm | Liber de diffinitionibus | Gerard of Cremona |
Isaac Israeli (Isḥāq ibn Sulaymān al-Isrāʾīlī) | On the Elements | Kitāb al-Usṭuqussāt | De elementis | Gerard of Cremona |
Maslama al-Maǧrīṭī (Meslem) | A Brief Treatise on the Sector-Figure | Qawl waǧīz fī l-šakl al-qaṭṭāʿ | Que Ptholomeo addicendum necessaria fuerunt in figura sectore | Gerard of Cremona |
al-Nayrīzī (Anaritius) | Excerpts from Simplicius’ Commentary on the Definitions, Postulates and Axioms in Book I of Euclid’s Elements | Mustaḫlaṣāt Abī l-ʿAbbās al-Nayrīzī min tafsīr Sinblīqiyūs li-l-ḥudūd wa-l-muṣādarāt wa-l-ʿulūm al-mutaʿārifa al-muqaddima li-l-maqāla al-ūlā min Kitāb al-Uṣūl li-Awqlīdis | Super Euclidem | Gerard of Cremona |
Rhazes (Ibn Zakarīyāʾ al-Rāzī) | Book of Division and Ramification | Kitāb al-Taqsīm wa-l-tašǧīr | Liber divisionum | Gerard of Cremona |
Rhazes (Ibn Zakarīyāʾ al-Rāzī) | The Book of Medicine <dedicated to> Manṣūr | al-Kitāb al-Manṣūrī fī l-ṭibb | Liber Almansoris | Gerard of Cremona |
Thebit (Thābit ibn Qurra) | Simplification of the Almagest | Tashīl al-Maǧisṭī | De his que indigent expositione antequam legatur Almagesti | Gerard of Cremona |
Thebit (Thābit ibn Qurra) | Treatise on the Figure of Secants | Risāla fī l-Šakl al-qaṭṭāʿ | De figura sectore | Gerard of Cremona |
anonymous (Ps.-Aristotle) | Discourse on the Pure Good | Kalām fī Maḥd al-ḫayr | Liber de causis (or: Liber de pura bonitate) | Gerard of Cremona |
anonymous (Ps.-Galen) | The Secret Medicines (or: Pieces of Advice for Monks) | Kitāb al-Adwiya al-maktūma (or: Kitāb Naṣāʾiḥ al-ruhbān) | De secretis | Gerard of Cremona |
Mesue (Yūḥannā ibn Māsawayh, Ps.-Rhazes) | Book of Medical Anecdotes | Kitāb al-Nawādir al-ṭibbiyya | Tractatus sextus de temporibus intellectus sine quibus sapiens doctor esse non debet | Giles of Santarem |
Rhazes (Ibn Zakarīyāʾ al-Rāzī) | On the Secret Art of Medicine | Maqāla fī Sirr ṣināʿat al-ṭibb | De secretis in medicina | Giles of Santarem |
Albumasar (Abū Maʿšar) | The Great Introduction to the Science of the Judgements of the Stars | Kitāb al-Mudḫal al-kabīr ilā ʿilm aḥkām al-nuǧūm | Liber introductorius in astrologiam | Hermann of Carinthia |
Ptolemy | On Projecting the Sphere’s Surface on a Plane (or: Planispherium) | تسطيح بسيط الكرة Tasṭīḥ basīṭ al-kura |
Propositiones planisperii | Hermann of Carinthia |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics | Talḫīṣ Kitāb al-šiʿr | Determinatio in Poetriam Aristotelis | Hermannus Alemannus |
Ibn al-Muṯannā | Commentary on al-Ḫwārizmī’s Tables | — | De motibus planetarum | Hugo Sanctelliensis |
anonymous (“Jafar Indus”) | Book of Rains | not extant (possible title: Kitāb al-Amṭār) | Liber imbrium ab antiquo Indorum astrologo nomine Jafar editus | Hugo Sanctelliensis |
Albohali (Abū ʿAlī al-Ḫayyāṭ) | On Judgements Made from Nativities | Kitāb Aḥkām al-mawālīd | De nativitatibus | Johannes Toletanus |
Albumasar (Abū Maʿšar) | The Great Introduction to the Science of the Judgements of the Stars | Kitāb al-Mudḫal al-kabīr ilā ʿilm aḥkām al-nuǧūm | Liber introductorii maioris in magisterio scientie astrorum | John of Seville |
Alcabitius (al-Qabīṣī) | Book of the Introduction to the Art of Judicial Astrology | Kitāb al-Mudḫal ilā ṣināʿat aḥkām al-nuǧūm | Introductorius ad magisterium iudiciorum astrorum | John of Seville |
Messahalah (Māšāʾallāh) | Book of Eclipses | — | Epistola in rebus eclipsis lune | John of Seville |
Messahalah (Māšāʾallāh) | On Reception | — | De receptione planetarum | John of Seville |
anonymous (Ps.-Aristotle) | Secret of Secrets | Kitāb Sirr al-asrār | Secretum secretorum | John of Seville |
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) | On Actions and Passions (of The Cure) | al-Šifāʾ: al-Ṭabīʿiyyāt: al-Afʿāl wa-l-infiʿālāt | De actionibus et passionibus qualitatum primarum | Juan Gonzalves de Burgos, Salomon |
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) | On Generation and Corruption (of The Cure) | al-Šifāʾ: al-Ṭabīʿiyyāt: al-Kawn wa-l-fasād | De generatione et corruptione | Juan Gonzalves de Burgos, Salomon |
Galen | On Problematical Movements | Kitāb fī l-Ḥarakāt al-muʿtāṣa al-maǧhūla | De motibus liquidis | Mark of Toledo |
Galen | On the Use of Breathing | Maqāla fī l-Ḥāǧa ilā l-tanaffus | De utilitate pulsus | Mark of Toledo |
Ibn Tūmart (Habentometus) | Profession of Faith | ʿAqīda (with muršidas and tasbīḥ) | De unione Dei | Mark of Toledo |
Alpetragius (al-Biṭrūǧī) | On Astronomy | Kitāb fī l-Hayʾa | De motibus celorum | Michael Scot, Abuteus Levites |
Aristotle | Book of Animals | Kitāb al-Ḥayawān[1][2] | Liber animalium | Michael Scot |
Albategnius (al-Battānī) | The Sabian Handbook | al-Zīǧ al-ṣābiʾ | De motu stellarum | Plato of Tivoli |
Ptolemy | Tetrabiblos (or: The Four Books) | al-Maqālāt al-arbaʿ | Quadripartitum | Plato of Tivoli |
anonymous (Ps.-Ptolemy) | Book of the Fruit | Kitāb al-Ṯamara | Centiloquium | Plato of Tivoli |
anonymous (Ps.-Maryanos, Ps.-Ḫālid ibn Yazīd) | Khalid’s Questions to the Monk Maryanos | Masāʾil Ḫālid li-Maryānus al-rāhib | Liber de compositione alchimie (or: Liber Morieni) | Robert of Chester |
Abenguefit (Ibn Wāfid, Ps.-Serapion) | Book on Simple Medicines | Kitāb al-Adwiya al-mufrada | Liber aggregatus in medicinis simplicibus | Simon of Genoa, Abraham ben Šem Tob of Tortosa |
Alhazen (Ibn al-Hayṯam) | On the Configuration of the World | Maqāla fī Hayʾat al-ʿālam | Liber Mamonis in astronomia | Stephen of Pisa |
Haly filius Abbas (ʿAlī ibn al-ʿAbbās al-Maǧūsī) | The Complete Book of the Medical Art (or: The Royal Book) | Kitāb kāmil al-ṣināʿa al-ṭibbiyya (or: al-Kitāb al-malakī) | Regalis dispositio | Stephen of Pisa |
anonymous | On Foods | — | De cibis | anonymous (11th century) |
anonymous | On the Metals | — | De metallis | anonymous (11th century) |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Long Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics, Bk 7 | Šarḥ Kitāb al-samāʿ al-ṭabīʿī, Bk 7 | Commentarium magnum in Aristotelis Physicorum librum septimum | anonymous (13th century) |
Thebit (Thābit ibn Qurra) | Treatise on the Figure of Secants | Risāla fī l-Šakl al-qaṭṭāʿ | Intellexi quod dixisti super figura que nominatur cata | anonymous (Grecizing) |
Costa ben Luca (Qusṭā ibn Lūqā) | On Physical Ligatures (or: On Incantation, On Medical Amulets) | — | De physicis ligaturis (or: De incantatione) | anonymous (Ps.-Arnald of Villanova, perhaps Constantine the African) |
Galen | The Great Art (or: Therapeutic Method) | Kitāb al-Ṣināʿa al-kabīra (or: Kitāb Ḥīlat al-burʾ) | De ingenio sanitatis | anonymous (attributed to Gerard of Cremona in numerous manuscripts) |
Galen | On Affected Parts | Kitāb al-Aʿḍāʾ al-ālima (or: Kitāb Taʿarruf ʿilal al-aʿḍāʾ al-bāṭina, Kitāb al-Mawāḍiʿ al-ālima) | De interioribus | anonymous (perhaps Constantine the African) |
Rhazes (Ibn Zakarīyāʾ al-Rāzī) | Ailments of the Joints | Awǧāʿ al-mafāṣil | De doloribus iuncturarum | anonymous (perhaps Gerard of Cremona) |
Rhazes (Ibn Zakarīyāʾ al-Rāzī) | On the Stones in Kidney and Bladder | Kitāb al-Ḥaṣā fī l-kulā wa-l-maṯāna | Capitulum de lapide in renibus et vesica | anonymous (perhaps Gerard of Cremona) |
Rhazes (Ibn Zakarīyāʾ al-Rāzī) | On the Treatment of Diseases in Children | — | De egritudinibus puerorum | anonymous (perhaps Gerard of Cremona) |
Rhazes (Ibn Zakarīyāʾ al-Rāzī) | The Great Dispensatory | al-Aqrābāḏīn al-kabīr | Antidotarium | anonymous (perhaps Gerard of Cremona) |
Rhazes (Ibn Zakarīyāʾ al-Rāzī) | The Small Dispensatory | al-Aqrābāḏīn al-ṣaġīr | De aptatione medicinarum | anonymous (perhaps Gerard of Cremona) |
Ptolemy | Tetrabiblos (or: The Four Books) | al-Maqālāt al-arbaʿ | Quadripartitum | anonymous (probably Hugh of Cintheaux (Hugo Sanctelliensis)) |
Alfarabi (al-Fārābī) | Treatise on the Intellect | Risāla fī l-ʿAql | De intellectu et intellecto | anonymous (surely Dominicus Gundisalvi) [1] |
Alkindi (al-Kindī) | Book on the Knowledge of the Shoulder Blade | Kitāb fī ʿIlm al-katif | Liber de spatula (or: Liber Amblaudii et Hermetis) | anonymous (surely Hugo Sanctelliensis) |
Albumasar (Abū Maʿšar) | Book of the Revolutions of the World-Years | Kitāb Taḥāwīl sinī l-ʿālam | Tractatus in revolutione annorum mundi (or: Liber experimentorum) | anonymous (surely John of Seville) [1] |
Brethren of Purity (Iḫwān al-Ṣafāʾ) | On the Quiddity of Magic (Epistle 52) | Fī Māhiyyat al-siḥr | De quattuor confectionibus | anonymous (very probably John of Seville [1]) (the translator probably used further sources) |
Avenzoar (Abū Marwān ibn Zuhr) | Facilitation for Therapy and Diatetics | Taysīr fī l-mudāwāt wa-l-tadbīr | Liber theisir | anonymous (“a magistro Patavino physico”) |
Albumasar (Abū Maʿšar) | Book of Religions and Dynasties | Kitāb al-Milal wa-l-duwal | De magnis coniunctionibus | anonymous, clearly John of Seville, perhaps revised by Hermann of Carinthia or/and Gerard of Cremona [1] |
Alhazen (Ibn al-Hayṯam) | On the Configuration of the World | Maqāla fī Hayʾat al-ʿālam | Liber Aboali | anonymous, most probably Michael Scot [1] |
Alfarabi (al-Fārābī) | Enumeration of the Sciences | Iḥṣāʾ al-ʿulūm | De divisione scientiarum | anonymous, probably Dominicus Gundisalvi [1] |
Alkindi (al-Kindī) | On the Intellect | Risāla fī l-ʿAql | De intellectu et intellecto | anonymous, probably Dominicus Gundisalvi [1] |
Isaac Israeli (Isḥāq ibn Sulaymān al-Isrāʾīlī) | On Definitions and Descriptions | Kitāb al-Ḥudūd wa-l-rusūm | Liber de diffinitionibus | anonymous, probably Dominicus Gundisalvi [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Commentary on Aristotle’s De partibus animalium, Bk 2, Ch. 6 | Talḫīṣ tisʿ maqālāt min Kitāb al-ḥayawān, Bk 2, Ch. 6 | Capitulum de dando causam sterilitatis muli et mule | anonymous, probably Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Commentary on Aristotle’s De partibus animalium, Bk 2, Ch. 7 | Talḫīṣ tisʿ maqālāt min Kitāb al-ḥayawān, Bk 2, Ch. 7 | Capitulum de cerebro | anonymous, probably Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Commentary on Aristotle’s De partibus animalium, Bk 2, Chs 1–4 | Talḫīṣ tisʿ maqālāt min Kitāb al-ḥayawān, Bk 2, Chs 1–4 | Capitulum in operatione spermatis | anonymous, probably Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Commentary on Aristotle’s De partibus animalium, Bk 3, Ch. 4 | Talḫīṣ tisʿ maqālāt min Kitāb al-ḥayawān, Bk 3, Ch. 4 | Capitulum de corde | anonymous, probably Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Commentary on Aristotle’s De partibus animalium, Bk 4, Ch. 1 | Talḫīṣ tisʿ maqālāt min Kitāb al-ḥayawān, Bk 4, Ch. 1 | Sermo in masculinitate et feminitate | anonymous, probably Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Commentary on Aristotle’s De partibus animalium, Bk 4, Ch. 10 | Talḫīṣ tisʿ maqālāt min Kitāb al-ḥayawān, Bk 4, Ch. 10 | Sermo de diversitate temporis conceptionis animalium | anonymous, probably Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Commentary on Aristotle’s De partibus animalium, Bk 5, Ch. 7 | Talḫīṣ tisʿ maqālāt min Kitāb al-ḥayawān, Bk 5, Ch. 7 | Sermo in diversitate vocis | anonymous, probably Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Commentary on Aristotle’s De partibus animalium, Bk 5, Chs 1 and 5 | Talḫīṣ tisʿ maqālāt min Kitāb al-ḥayawān, Bk 5, Chs 1 and 5 | Capitulum de colore oculi et de coloribus immutantibus oculum | anonymous, probably Michael Scot [1] |
Alexander of Aphrodisias | On the Intellect | Maqāla fī l-ʿAql | De intellectu et intellecto | anonymous, surely Dominicus Gundisalvi [1] |
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) | Logic: Isagoge, Bk 1, Ch. 2–Bk 2, Ch. 4 (of The Cure) | al-Šifāʾ: al-Manṭiq: al-Madḫal, Bk 1, Ch. 2–Bk 2, Ch. 4 | Logica | anonymous, surely Dominicus Gundisalvi [1] |
anonymous (Ps.-Alfarabi, Ps.-Avicenna) | The Principal Questions | ʿUyūn al-masāʾil | Flos | anonymous, surely Gerard of Cremona [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Long Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics | Tafsīr Kitāb Mā baʿda l-ṭabīʿa | Commentum super libro Metaphysice | anonymous, surely Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Epitome on Aristotle’s Parva naturalia | Ǧawāmiʿ Kitāb al-ḥiss wa-l-maḥsūs | Compendia librorum Aristotelis qui Parva naturalia vocantur | anonymous, surely Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Long Commentary on Aristotle’s De anima | Šarḥ Kitāb Arisṭūṭālīs fī l-nafs | Commentum libri De anima | anonymous, surely Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Long Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics | Šarḥ Kitāb al-samāʿ al-ṭabīʿī | Commentum super libro Physicorum | anonymous, surely Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s De generatione et corruptione | Talḫīṣ Kitāb al-kawn wa-l-fasād | Commentarium medium in Aristotelis De generatione et corruptione libros | anonymous, surely Michael Scot [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s De interpretatione | Talḫīṣ Kitāb al-ʿibāra | Commentum medium super libro Peri Hermeneias Aristotelis | anonymous, surely William of Luna [1] |
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) | Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics | Talḫīṣ Kitāb al-burhān | Commentum super libris Posteriorum analecticorum | anonymous, surely William of Luna [1] |
Abū Muḥammad ʿAbdallāh Ibn Rušd (Averroes junior) | On Whether the Active Intellect Unites with the Material Intellect whilst It Is Clothed with the Body | Hal yattaṣil bi-l-ʿaql al-hayūlānī l-ʿaql al-faʿʿāl wa-huwa multabis bi-l-ǧism | De intellectu | anonymous |
Alhazen (Ibn al-Hayṯam) | On the Configuration of the World | Maqāla fī Hayʾat al-ʿālam | Liber de celo et mundo | anonymous |
Alhazen (Ibn al-Hayṯam) | Optics | Kitāb al-Manāẓir | De aspectibus | anonymous |
Archimedes | On the Measurement of the Circle (or: On the Division of the Circle) | Fī Misāḥat al-dāʾira (or: Fī Taksīr al-dāʾira) | In quadratum circuli | anonymous |
Galen | On the Causes of Symptoms | Kitāb al-ʿIlal wa-l-aʿrāḍ | De accidenti et morbo | anonymous |
Ibn Buṭlān (Elluchasem Elimithar) | Almanac of Health | Taqwīm al-ṣiḥḥa | Tacuinum sanitatis | anonymous |
Messahalah (Māšāʾallāh) | On Revolutions of the Years of the World | — | De revolutionibus annorum mundi | anonymous |
Messahalah (Māšāʾallāh) | On the Significations of the Planets in Nativities | — | De significationibus planetarum in nativitate | anonymous |
Mesue (Yūḥannā ibn Māsawayh) | Book of Medical Anecdotes | Kitāb al-Nawādir al-ṭibbiyya | Aphorismi | anonymous |
Thebit (Thābit ibn Qurra) | On the Solar Year, by Observations | Kitāb fī Sanat al-šams bi-l-arṣād | De anno solis | anonymous |
Thebit (Thābit ibn Qurra) | Treatise on the Figure of Secants | Risāla fī l-Šakl al-qaṭṭāʿ | Inter universas geometrice speculationis figuras | anonymous |
Zahel (Sahl ibn Bišr) | Book of Judgements, Ch. 1 (or: Introduction) | Kitāb al-Aḥkām, Ch. 1 | Liber introductorius | anonymous |
Zahel (Sahl ibn Bišr) | Book of Judgements, Ch. 2 (or: The Fifty Aphorisms) | Kitāb al-Aḥkām, Ch. 2 | De 50 preceptis | anonymous |
Zahel (Sahl ibn Bišr) | Book of Judgements, Ch. 3 (or: On Interrogations) | Kitāb al-Aḥkām, Ch. 3 | De interrogationibus | anonymous |
Zahel (Sahl ibn Bišr) | On Elections According to the Twelve Houses | Kitāb al-Iḫtiyārāt ʿalā l-buyūt al-iṯnay ʿašar | De electionibus | anonymous |
Zahel (Sahl ibn Bišr) | On Times | Kitāb al-Awqāt | Liber temporum | anonymous |
anonymous (Ps.-Ptolemy) | Judgements | — | Iudicia | anonymous |
anonymous (Ps.-Ptolemy) | On the Projection of Rays | — | Liber proiectionis radiorum stellarum | anonymous |
anonymous (perhaps Alkindi) | Treatise on the Location of Rays | not extant (possible title: Risāla fī Maṭraḥ al-šuʿāʿ) | De radiis | anonymous |