Simplification of the Almagest – Arabic
- Title (Arabic):
- Tashīl al-Maǧisṭī
- Title (English):
- Simplification of the Almagest
- Title (Latin):
- De his que indigent expositione antequam legatur Almagesti
- Author:
- Thābit ibn Qurra (Thebit).
- Transcribed from:
- Thābit ibn Qurra (Thebit), Tashīl al-Maǧisṭī, in: Id., Œuvres d’Astronomie, ed. Régis Morelon (Paris, 1987), pp. 2–17.
- Additional sources:
[ms Istanbul]: MS Istanbul, Aya Sofya, 4832.
[ms Tehran]: MS Tehran, Maǧlis Šūrā, 4642.
[ms London]: MS London, BL, Heb. 4104.
- Transcribed by:
- Kaddour Alkassem, Samer Alsaj and Azzam Hasan.
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