Secret of Secrets (transl. JS) – Latin
- Title (Arabic):
- Kitāb Sirr al-asrār
- Title (English):
- Secret of Secrets
- Title (Latin):
- Secretum secretorum
- Author:
- anonymous (Ps.-Aristotle).
- Translation:
- John of Seville.
- Transcribed from:
- anonymous (Ps.-Aristotle), Secretum secretorum, in: Hermann Suchier, Denkmäler provenzalischer Literatur und Sprache: Über die Quellen der romanischen Weltchronik, vol. 1 (Halle, 1883), pp. 473–480.
- Additional sources:
[ms A]: MS London, BL, Burney 360.
- Transcribed by:
- Lisa Conrad.
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