The Quiddity of Magic – Latin
- Title (Arabic):
- Fī Māhiyyat al-siḥr
- Title (English):
- On the Quiddity of Magic (Epistle 52)
- Title (Latin):
- De quattuor confectionibus
- Author:
- Iḫwān al-Ṣafāʾ (Brethren of Purity).
- Translation:
- anonymous (very probably John of Seville, the translator probably used further sources).
- Transcribed from:
- Antonella Sannino, ‘Ermete mago e alchimista nelle biblioteche di Guglielmo d’Alvernia e Ruggero Bacone’, in: Studi Medievali 41 (2000), pp. 151–89, here pp. 185–189.
- Additional sources:
[M]: MS Montpellier, BIU, Section de Médecine H 277. Online at
- Transcribed by:
- Lisa Conrad.
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