On the Intellect – Latin
- Title (Arabic):
- Risāla fī l-ʿAql
- Title (English):
- Treatise on the Intellect
- Title (Latin):
- De intellectu et intellecto
- Author:
- al-Fārābī (Alfarabi).
- Translation:
- anonymous, surely Dominicus Gundisalvi.
- Transcribed from:
- Étienne Gilson, ‘Les sources gréco-arabes de l’Augustinisme Avicennisant’, in: Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge 4 (1929), pp. 5–149, here pp. 115–126.
- Additional sources:
[ar. ed. Bouyges]: al-Fārābī (Alfarabi), Risāla fī l-ʿAql, ed. Maurice Bouyges (Beirut, 1938).
- Transcribed by:
- Carolin Helmer.
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